Monday, May 13, 2013

First Whisperwood Garden

Spring greens and onions for Pamela!
I do thank the grasshoppers for letting me eat this year, or at least letting me grow something, so I can eat better.  I was tempted to eat THEM last year, but didn't quite get hungry enough, I suppose.  THEY were hungry enough, however, to eat me out three times in a row.  Thrice I tried to plant a greens bed, and thrice they gobbled it up.  I finally gave in, wondering if a tiny green oasis in the middle of a hardwood forest full of ravenous insects was not a likely place to pursue another of my passions, which is gardening.  I was quite disturbed.  But Alas!  The cold winter has had it's perks, and a bug-free spring is one of them (everyone knock on your hardwoods, just in case!).  And I am so thankful.  The grasshopper epidemic of last year has taught me anew just how vulnerable we are, just how susceptible we can be to myriad catastrophes, and to give great thanks when things go well.

Fairy fencing.
See my "fairy fencing".  I'm experimenting.  I'd planned to buy a hefty roll of garden fencing like ordinary folks, but just couldn't seem to get around to the dull chore of it all.  Then I turned protection of my garden into art, and Wha-lah!  Just like magic, the fence appears!  It's amazing what gets done when work turns into fun.  I'm looking forward to turning the building of my whole dwelling into fun.  More on that later.

In the meantime Happy spring, everyone (again)!  Happy, happy long spring, cool spring, good for all the peas and potatoes, collards and chard spring.  And much, much thanks and gratitude to the Powers-That-Be, the Spirits of the wind and rain, the sun and the moon and all things green, for this wondrous, wet, and bounteous spring!


  1. Hi Pamela! Good going on the garden! I have 4 6x6 raised beds at my place. The rain has yielded some early kale and green onions. With beets, carrots and spinach making some progress. Hoping we get a bit of rain here and there to keep the momentum going. We miss you and send big hugs!

    1. Thank you, Catherine. I miss ya'll too.

  2. Looks lovely Pamela! Loved reading this and love your blog. hugs and see you soon, Leigh


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