In the Beginning...

WhisperWood is a dream and an idea.  It's a peaceful place in time.  It is rocky, steep, and covered with hickory, oak, and pine.  Red bud blooms in early spring while locust sweetens in the air; the deer go sip from deep ravines and owls turn to stare.  Possum, coon, and squirrel abound, and bear and bobcat, too.  Possum swing from limbs of trees, and owls say peek-a-boo!

And this is how I came to WhisperWood
I, being of sound mind, but vexed by the rattling noise and stressors of the city, acquired this land through the offices of Phoenix and Deerwomon, who are women, in longstanding tradition of the Land, who sought no material profit from the selling of parcels, but rather chose to pass stewardship onto myself merely for the cost of which they, themselves, acquired the land years earlier from Diana, Founding Mother of our Home.

And WhisperWood
Who speaks in pine that whisper in the breeze, hardwood and their happy chorus, through the boulder's stolid trance, the flower's dance, and through the animals, shy and bold alike,

I love to hear.  Listen to what they say!
Come!  We'll wander and wonder together!


  1. Pamela, how exciting for you. Wish I had the guts to do it. Keep us posted. Don Rice

  2. Thanks so much, Don! It IS a little scary!

  3. greetings dear pamela! cindy and i could not be happier for you or more proud of you. may the goddess shine on you continued blessings. cindy suggests marking your property boundary the old-fashioned way, just so the bears are sure of your space:). i say just sing loudly every night. thanks for letting us experience the adventure too! hugs, kristy

  4. You are very welcome, Kristy, and thanks for the advice! Actually, I think my fiddle playing works pretty well (:

  5. It is so good to see that you're living your dream


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