Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Building Update: Room with a View

Windows installed on south side facing the garden.

Framing of front door.
Ever kept a dream you didn't know you had?  A dream so big you never dared bring it to the fore of your mind, so certain you were it could never, ever happen?  I've had many dreams like that, dreams I uncover only after realizing they're finally coming true before my very eyes.  It's not like the dreams were not circling inside my head before; it's just that their presence is hard to acknowledge amidst strangling feelings of impossibility.  My new dwelling, shown in the recent photo above, is one such dream.  See the windows, good ones like Diana told me to get.  And the rounded doorways, just like I wanted.  There's three of them in this small dwelling: the front door, and entrances to the decks for outdoor sleeping and the outdoor kitchen (not built yet).  Mind you, all the plywood is temporary.  It will be replaced by straw bale walls eventually.  Note the fine metal roof!

After Phil, Don, and John finished the framing of the windows, it took me a full week to venture forth and try them out, pushing the sashes up and down, moving the sliders so fearful I was that something wouldn't work correctly, so sure something might break or otherwise curtail this dream-coming-true before my very eyes.  But no, they worked perfectly, and in the reflection of the large picture window that faces my garden on the sunny slope, I saw my eyes begin to tear, because I was, and am, so deeply happy with this vision slowly, amazingly, unfolding before me.


  1. WOW! That's all I can say. And that I love it and am so very happy for you. Thanks so much for sharing your dreams because, damn, that makes the world so interesting and inspiring! Keep on keepin' on...

  2. Anonymous. Incredibly amazing Pamela!!! It is deeply heartening to see your dream unfolding. May you enjoy gentleness and continued provision, protection, and progress. YAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!! :)


  3. It is beautiful. Be sure to add a guest room for Roger and I.

  4. Anonymous. Saw another Mary Oliver poem entitled "Little Summer Poem Touching the Subject of Faith", thought of you:

    Every summer
    I listen and look
    under the sun's brass and even
    in the moonlight, but I can't hear

    anything, I can't see anything—
    not the pale roots digging down, nor the green stalks muscling up,
    nor the leaves
    deepening their damp pleats,

    nor the tassels making,
    nor the shucks, nor the cobs.
    And still,
    every day,

    the leafy fields
    grow taller and thicker—
    green gowns lifting up in the night,
    showered with silk.

    And so, every summer,
    I fail as a witness, seeing nothing—
    I am deaf too
    to the tick of the leaves,

    the tapping of downwardness from the banyan feet—
    all of it
    beyond all seeable proof, or hearable hum.

    And, therefore, let the immeasurable come.
    Let the unknowable touch the buckle of my spine.
    Let the wind turn in the trees,
    and the mystery hidden in dirt

    swing through the air.
    How could I look at anything in this world
    and tremble, and grip my hands over my heart?
    What should I fear?

    One morning
    in the leafy green ocean
    the honeycomb of the corn's beautiful body
    is sure to be there.


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